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angel home造句

  • Danny takes Angel home and the two binge-watch action movies.
  • He also gives 200 tickets for each Angels home game to youth and charity groups.
  • The numbers conspire against Finley starting another Angels home game, at least for this year.
  • God loaned him to me for 13 years, then he took the little angel home ."
  • Every game would have been the Fourth of July, especially with every Angels home run duly celebrated with fireworks.
  • Last year, police conducted sweeping raids on Hells Angels homes and businesses, arresting scores of people including top leaders.
  • They attended almost every Angels home game last year, even though Vaughn missed the season with a torn left biceps tendon.
  • Major League Baseball canceled all of its games, including an Angels home game in Anaheim and a Dodgers'game in San Diego.
  • Morales has been accused of taking payments from drug traffickers and to getting dealers help him buy a 3 million dollar San Angel home in 1992.
  • The third-winningest manager in major-league baseball history agreed Thursday to become a colorman for Prime Sports'31 Angels home-game telecasts.
  • It's difficult to see angel home in a sentence. 用angel home造句挺难的
  • A sellout crowd of 35, 295, the largest for an Angels home game this year, was perhaps one-third loyal to the visiting team.
  • We've determined that the Lord took six angels home and left the other angels here on earth to finish what needs to be accomplished ."
  • Major League Baseball cancelled all its games tonight, including the Los Angeles Dodgers'game in San Diego and the Anaheim Angels home game against the Seattle Mariners.
  • It also was the first Angels homer at Edison Field this season ( Saturday was the eighth home game ) and it also ended an eight-game homerless stretch.
  • Andrews takes Molly / Angel home to speak with her parents, but discovers that Molly's father left nine years ago and her mother abandoned her three years ago.
  • The fences at the Anaheim Angels home were moved in from 408 to 400 feet in center field, and from 397 to 387 feet in the left-center power alley.
  • He and his wife Marci have purchased 200 tickets in right field for every Angels home game, with the stipulation that the seats be set aside for disadvantaged youths and youth groups.
  • Fireworks shoot out of the display at the start of games, after every Angel home run and after every Angel win ( they had been shot off from a parking garage before then ).
  • Meanwhile, a motley crew of divinely chosen screwballs tries to prevent Loki and Bartleby from reaching a New Jersey church that will mystically transport the angels home and destroy all God's works in the process.
  • Scioscia has been making the 140-mile round trip commute from his Thousand Oaks residence to Anaheim for the Angels home games, but is renting a place in Newport Beach for the next month . . ..
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